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The website needs the reluctant wise guys from the mailing list to leave a topic or two on fundamental things that need to be done in order to create the Linux we all desire, the info is held tightly in the mailing list and unless you want to wade through the archive there is no humanoid access to the read learn rinse produce effect of online tutorials and how two guides.
If the as for mentioned wise guise were to write a topic or two they'd probably be the best and most in depth guides out there.
Just a thought and a thorn in the side, but us minions would love to hear from you.
On 03/09/14 20:04, Simon Avery wrote:
Hi PaulMust concur - the website is pretty opaque and ... well shit ... but I did find something somewhere about what it was:
I can't help much with the project, but some feedback on the website
from a fresh pair of eyes.
I found it difficult to understand what this project was about - your
first sentence here gave away more than the website did. By blind luck I
moused over an image which took me to an about page (not a menu item?)
but even then, it wasn't clear even by the time I'd read through.
I got the gist, but was confused by headers such as "Why ubuntu" - why
indeed? Why can't the user just go to ubuntu? Or xubuntu, which is quite
XP in feel. There's a few distros out there that have the same ideals
as yourselves, what's unique about Tori_OS, what's the USP? (Things that
have probably been considered already, but don't come across to a new
visitor within the first 30 seconds, after which you've probably lost them.)
This isn't intended as a negative, just some feedback that I, as a
casually interested viewer - and one who probably isn't your target
audience, was confused.
Most projects would have a simple mission statement and explanation on
the landing page. "Tori_OS - a fresh look at a familiar interface"
"Helping ease the pain of migration from XP..." "Saving your
organisation the cost of upgrading your hardware" - something enticing
and fluffy, followed with a factual statement explaining; "A free linux
based desktop solution and environment" (Or whatever)
Sorry if this isn't much help, and my time is a little limited - even
the foss projects I am already involved with I don't help enough already.
Good luck with it!
On 3 September 2014 18:20, Paul Sutton <zleap@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:zleap@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
  I am part of a small team, helping to develop a new GNU / Linux based
  operating system that has very very low system requirements. ÂThis is
  called ToriOS.(http://torios.org/).
  We have just entered the Alpha 1 stage and were looking for some help
  with various aspects of development. and testing,the JWM Settings
  Manager, so using bash, C++ and Python
  Anyone with experience packaging for Debian/Ubuntu, and any experience
  building minimal operating systems is also welcome to contribute. Please
  get in touch via the website, You can ask questions on twitter too :
  The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
  FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq
Its an ubuntu clone but redone for older CPU's and doesn't eat resources?
Tom te tom te tom
The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq
-- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq