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Re: [LUG] Diaspora


Thanks Gordon for the reply. I will look into all of this. I didn't realise it was 
so cheap!

On 28 Aug 2014, at 11:47, Gordon Henderson <gordon+lug@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Richard Brown wrote:
>> I am a bit frustrated by Diaspora and the lack of a data centre in Cornwall. I 
>> would love to set up and run my own Diaspora network.
> Lack of a data centre is not an issue. There are many DCs around the country. The 
> key thing is that the further you are from London, the more it costs to backhaul 
> data to London (and lets face it, London is still the 'hub') - but on the other 
> side, the further you are from London, the less it costs to rent/buy the space. 
> Running costs for electricity would be about the same unless you can come up with 
> some innovative way to keep it cool... (The DC I use is in Sheffield)
> Then there's running Diaspora - if you want it to actually work, you have to make 
> people come to it - "if you build it, they will come" DOES NOT WORK here. The 
> reason is that there are dozens of others, all (now) with big money behind them - 
> that money coming from selling advertising and customer data - so you'll make your 
> own pretty little corner, but all you'll achieve is what would effectively become 
> your own private little corner... (which is what you appear to want - so that's 
> good - for you)
> We tried this with the LUG - and it failed. I setup a wiki, some other 
> collaborative thing which I've now forgotten (not Diaspora, but something similar) 
> and a Wordpress. About 4 people bothered to make the effort - once - then it more 
> or less died a death. (This was all under the opendevon.org.uk name)
> If you want a server then *BUY* a VPS in a datacentre. Cheapest right now is 
> probably OVC in France - http://www.ovh.co.uk/
>> I have a whole load of family members who would not use Facebook if I had a 
>> Diaspora network set up. I have a Diaspora account but am unable to use it 
>> because no one else uses Diaspora. When I suggest using Diaspora on a different 
>> server most family members ask why is that different to Facebook. I explain about 
>> data ownership etc but they point out that there data is now on someone else's 
>> server and the problem could persist.
>> I wish I could install and run my own server.
> A £2.03 a month will get you a virtual server that's more than capable, so stop 
> bleating on about needing a server/local DC/etc. and go and do it!
> Also - use portfast.co.uk for DNS - another tenner or so a year for a domain. 
> Really, it's so bloody cheap these days to have your own server and domain name, 
> etc. there simply isn't any excuse not to! Even a dedicated server from OVH starts 
> at £30 a month.
> (I use the cheapest of cheap VPSs at OVH to host some DNS and it's not let me down 
> in the past 2-3 years and they've also bumped up the spec. too - I now have a 
> dual-core AMD 2.8GHz VPS with 2GB of RAM and 26G of disk space - of which I use a 
> tiny fraction and it's costing me something like £25 a year)
> Want something closer to home? http://bytemark.co.uk/ starts at £15 a month (+VAT) 
> for a VPS, £69 + VAT for a dedicated.
> But if you really want to host your own server - then expect to pay costs starting 
> from about £85 a month. (+VAT) Not many DC's like you hosting your own server 
> these days though - it's not that cost effective.
> And if you do host at home (perfectly feasible even with a 1Mb/sec upload speed 
> for something very low volume), then factor in the cost of electricity and a UPS 
> to keep it going.
> Gordon-- 
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Kind regards

Richard Brown
07834 770027
Community Organiser

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq