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Re: [LUG] Raspberry Pi


On 09/08/14 18:52, bad apple wrote:
> Ok, another request for recommendations (this one will probably be best
> answered by Gordon I suspect).
> I'm only a few years late, but I finally need to buy myself a couple of
> Pis for various hackjobs and overdue projects. Believe it or not, I
> still haven't even seen one yet, let alone hacked on one.
> Not wanting to waste time or money, I'm keen to avoid arseing about with
> random flaky power supplies, dodgy SD cards or unsupported USB hubs and
> I don't mind paying extra to get that flawless, no hassle "everything
> works out of the box" experience. I want a Pi (or 5) with:
> # a nice little case, although I don't mind ordering this separately
> # decent compatible SD card, at least 16Gb
> # USB hub that will work immediately
> # no hassle PSU that will drive everything correctly

You could go for

Though that's only going to give you an 8G micro SD card.

Since the B+ has 4 USB ports you may not need a USB hub.
This recommended for the A&B so should be fine with the B+

> I'm only interested in model B's which I understand have just been
> refreshed, so I don't want the old model. Recommendations for suitable
> USB wifi dongles that play nicely with Pis would be appreciated too,
> although most of them will probably be wired.


With CPC "free" delivery typically turns out to be next working day anyway.

> Is there any possibility of driving these things with PoE by the way?
> I've got a bunch of expensive PoE 24 port gigabit switches that so far
> are only driving a couple of Cisco VOIP phones.

Assuming the switches will do PoE mode B you'd need to split off the
pairs 4&5 (blue) and pairs 7&8 (brown) to feed to a regulator which will
knock the 44-48V down to the 5V (on micro USB) the Pi needs. Together
with a 25k resistor between these two pairs.
Unlikely to be something you can buy.

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