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Re: [LUG] Automating rsync


On 03/08/14 15:35, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,

I have four partitions I backup weekly to a USB drive using rsync and I'd like to automate it with a bash script. Looking online I can't quite work out if the following would work:


# MINT /
rsync -aAXv /* /media/julian/ARTEMIS/MINT --exclude={/dev/*,/proc/*,/sys/*,/tmp/*,/run/*,/mnt/*,/media/*,/lost+found,/home/*}
# MINT /home
rsync -aAXv /home* /media/julian/ARTEMIS/MINT_HOME
rsync -aAXv /media/julian/NATALIE /media/julian/HECATE/WINDOWS_XP
rsync -aAXv /media/julian/WINDOWS7 /media/julian/HECATE/WINDOWS_7
# WINDOWS My Documents
rsync -aAXv /media/julian/CYNTHIA /media/julian/HECATE/WINDOWS_DOCUMENTS

Would it run the first command, wait until it's finished, and then run the next in sequence, or try to run it all at once? Probably a really stupid question as all my prior programming experience says it would run each command and wait, but never having used a bash script I thought i would ask the experts first :)

Kind regards,


Thanks for all the replies :) I'll try it tomorrow. Once that works I'll look into making it a cron job to run the same time as I do t manually now.. about 6pm on a Sunday.


PS I know.. I can't count.. 5 partitions :)

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