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Re: [LUG] Computer constant reboots


On 23/06/14 12:37, mr meowski wrote:
> memtest is telling you pretty unequivocally that there is bad RAM in the
> system - remove it and replace it with good units if possible, and keep
> running memtest until the errors go away.

In defence of RAM, we had a box that repeatedly failed memtest, turns
out the DELL BIOS would co-opt some memory and kept quiet about doing so
(it is suppose to reserve it).

Passed the DELL memory test fine as it exempted the memory in question

Unfortunately the OS also didn't understand what the BIOS was doing, but
once it was explained to it, it stopped its random crashing.

So even memtest errors need interpreting.

But if memtest fails, changing memory doesn't help, then likely board or
processor as Mark said, I'd be binning the box, but I always use to
ruthlessly cannibalise memory, disks, etc. This always results in big
pile of hardware that is just a little too old to reuse.

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