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Re: [LUG] EU ruling on Google


On 15 May 2014 12:20, Tom <madtom1999@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What happens when someone in europe uses a VM outside europe to do a search
> that will show up his bankruptcy

Please try to get this right, everyone. It keeps coming up and it's
critical to understand what we're talking about correctly. He's *not*
trying to censor, suppress, hide or delete his bankruptcy from search
results. He just isn't.

If that's what you think we're talking about then please go back to
the beginning and start again with a correct understanding. He's
saying -- and I think he's 100% correct -- that it is a) inaccurate
and, thus, against the public interest, and b) unfair to him, to have
as the *first* or *only* result for a search on his name an old
bankruptcy *and* for there to be no way he can get this changed.

Also, let's all agree that we understand that "public record" (perhaps
not even online) and "first/only item on a Google search results page"
are not morally equivalent terms.

Phil Hudson                  http://hudson-it.no-ip.biz
@UWascalWabbit                 PGP/GnuPG ID: 0x887DCA63

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