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Re: [LUG] File system for heavy I/O


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 06:58:36PM +0000, bad apple wrote:
> I fear a little for your sysadmin skills

Your fears are entirely justified. I wouldn't call myself a sysadmin. I
just happen to administer some systems, because I work for a small
company, but I'm far from perfect at it. If I was I wouldn't have asked
these questions. :-)

> What strange world do you live in where optimising the kernel on
> mission-critical production systems is "playing around"?!!!

For complicated reasons, these systems aren't mission critical in that
them going down is frustrating and takes some time, but has no long-term
impact. And have I mentioned I work for a small company.

> I think that perhaps the rationale behind formatting your RAID array
> with ext2 could do with some explanation as well :]

It runs ext3, not ext2, sorry. Which makes it slightly better and,
especially given that these machines were set up 5 years ago.


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