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Re: [LUG] Routing around damage


On 23/03/14 21:30, Philip Hudson wrote:
> Which is a defence of the don't-fix-DNS cause... how? Strictly
> irrelevant, unless I'm missing something.

Well, yes, like the very first sentence of my reply! Viz:

"Whilst I totally agree with your original point - that DNS is basically
crap, and needs fixing..."

Maybe you should have spent less time typing yet another line-by-line
rebuttal and actually reading what I wrote instead?

I am so far pretty much the only other person on-list who DOES TOTALLY
AGREE with you that DNS is crap, would ideally be replaced with a
decentralized democratic system and am also looking forward to the new
PirateBay initiative you originally mentioned.

OK? I agree: pay attention!

I frankly can't be bothered with the rest of your reply except to
mention in passing that I don't think calling you "silly" is really
being particularly vexatious for god's sake... Was it even worth
mentioning, as if I had done something grievously wrong? You know full
well that if I wanted to lay into you I wouldn't exactly hesitate to use
much stronger language. "Silly" is probably closer to a term of
endearment in my case :]

Chill out dear.


PS> Like everyone else on the internet throwing around the term 'ad
hominem', you have not used it strictly correctly I'm afraid. Now I just
*know* you're going to argue this, but so be it.

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