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Re: [LUG] Routing around damage
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] Routing around damage
- From: Philip Hudson <phil.hudson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:18:53 +0000
- Delivered-to: dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:sender:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id :subject:to:content-type; bh=rNpPi8lyubYxrmwG7Kl9ZnUqR0WOlLyXgHQmHYcDOJw=; b=e0eMUYhcRRUy1EOCT2cjLgJTjTSfKvXrsDuIrKb7bfCH+geMYpK+DQGNgsZrOfu4t6 +xgiCjDMUt2NgczOVbPGdmVES6mikuMphgCB4rnRfdIEiIdlwkuIAwEfoj7MvQ0A5GF/ 41ZXDLp72s0ga58p+KwKBPzgtn+ltgMFOzUfqKz9j3BU/E7h0NeHnzrlEi95FGG76HVy e/C8lu2Eig9iCeFlHliqiZKjDByg3flYIjMyee6a7uXoglkuNYhhkm8qz+29s+2vQshO +52gDy34PnwAO3nioo1pbIIUKllGbOQMboEMMqTYB2vpSa8Q8Wr6trxj/QhAcESfE+Jt BbUQ==
On 20 March 2014 20:59, Brad Rogers <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Don't you just love double standards?
That's exactly what I thnk the fight against censorship is all about.
Moral crusaders always end up (if they didn't start out) doing and
being much more obscene and vicious things than anything they
"protect" society from.
For example, the apartheid regime was always *very* assiduous about
porn and blasphemy...
Phil Hudson http://hudson-it.no-ip.biz
@UWascalWabbit PGP/GnuPG ID: 0x887DCA63
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