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[LUG] Transparent proxy



I'm having some difficulty setting up a network configuration for a client.

They're changing their network configuration for a remote dial-in
system. Currently, box A dials in to Box B using PPP. However, Box B is
moving to a new location, so they want me to insert a Box C in the middle.

Box A should think it is dialing in to Box B, so the local and remote IP
addresses should remain the same. Similarly, Box B should think that Box
A is connected directly, so again the local and remote set up should be
the same. We don't want to change the config on Box A or Box B.


Box A. <-> Box B


Box A. <-> Box C <-> Box B

Box A needs to think the other side of the ppp link is, Box B
needs to think the other side is

I've tried to set up ppp0 to box A with IP and ppp1 to Box B
with IP, but then box C won't route anything anywhere, since
all the IP addresses are local.

Is there a way to set up such a system with iptables, or anything else?
Surely I can't be the only one who's needed such a system?

The sole purpose of box C is to provide this link, so it can be
configured in any way necessary.


Author of C++ Concurrency in Action     http://www.stdthread.co.uk/book/
just::thread C++11 thread library             http://www.stdthread.co.uk
Just Software Solutions Ltd       http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL, UK. Company No. 5478976

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