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Re: [LUG] More emails problems


On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 22:38:43 +0000
Julian Hall <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> Are all the accounts on the same domain? Is the one that doesn't work
> on a different domain?  Have you tried removing the account and
> recreating it? I know the last one sounds like a Tech Support
> default.. sorry old habits die hard :)
> Julian

I have two domains. I use them both for emails, as well as other uses
of course. On the first I have several email accounts and they all
work both for receive and send.

On the second I also have several email accounts. They all work except
dcglug. There I can receive emails but when I try to send them I get
this error. This applies both when I start a new thread or when I reply
to one, as here for example.

This is a puzzle. (I am using claws mail for this reply, which seems to
work for all emails, in and out, on all accounts. I know, I should move
across to claws permanently. I may well finish up doing just that).



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