Given admin privileges, how can a remote user, connected into a debianoid (actually Mint Debian Edition) host with an ssh shell session, dismiss the locally displayed *dm greeter and start their own desktop session, effectively as if they had logged in locally using the greeter? I know it seems like a weird thing to want to do, but I'm just frustrated that I can neither remember how nor figure it out.
What I've tried is stopping the *dm service via /etc/init.d then killing any remaining *dm and associated greeter sessions, then running either 'env DISPLAY=:0.0 startx' or 'env DISPLAY=:0.0 xinit', both failing thus:
X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
My investigations have taken me searching for xauth-ish stuff deep in the bowels of /var, but not finding anything resembling the documented files.