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Re: [LUG] MAC address on Android


On 13/01/14 22:21, bad apple wrote:
On 13/01/14 22:13, George Parker wrote:

My phone always has the first 3 as 00:08:22: then random.

I've had a closer look and find I've misled a bit. I have a tablet,
cheapy direct from China running Android 4.1 and that returns the same
MAC address every time. My phone is also a cheapy direct from China
running Android 4.2 and this is giving the problem.  I'll see if I can
dig out the details of where I got it and email them.
More worrying is an entry in my client list that gives:

Client name: Unknown
MAC address:  F0:A2:25:A1:99:A1
IP address:
Valid time: 01:39:22

All my devices have a client name so I presume that this is an outsider
hooking into my Wi-Fi. I do have it password protected on
Um yeah, if you *really* don't recognise and can't account in any way
for that IP address then you definitely have more serious things to
worry about than randomised MAC addresses...

You don't have WPS enabled on the router do you? Definitely check that,
and enable strictly WPA2 only for authentication if you can, not WPA/WPA2.

But surely it's just your set top box, games console or some other
networked gadget you've forgotten about?


WPS is not enabled and I've now set wifi to WPA2 only. Set top box? Games console? Who they? No, I definitely don't have any other devices out in the wild. I'll keep an eye open for any more untoward activity. Although I suppose I could block that Mac address

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