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Re: [LUG] Install from source


On 10/01/14 09:48, Robin Cornelius wrote:

it does mean exactly that "./configure does not exist", configure is a
file, in fact a file that contains a script that does a setup in a
typical autotools style build environment. You are not trying to
configure a file with a configure command, you are trying to run a
script called configure in the local directory, which in this case
does not exist as this particular project uses something else.

Something to note, some sources especially if you get them from
cvs/svn/git etc may use the autotool tools build system, but configure
may not yet exist as there may be some prerequisite steps that are
required that generate this file. The only way to know for sure is to,
as others have said, fine the README, INSTALL, or other instructions
that give a hint how to compile this code.


Thank you for that Robin, this is one mail that I will keep. I couldn't find anything on this, either on Google or in 'Linux in a Nutshell' or 'Linux Command Line and shell Scripting'. I'll have another look using you're pointers and try to understand what is going on. There weren't any text files in the original rar file, just a file ending in install, which I stupidly tried to run without expanding it. It ran OK when I expanded the rar, but as I said, was not worth the effort.


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