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Re: [LUG] Desktop Linux


On 27 December 2013 13:15, Richard Brown <wildwoodslosty@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Guys

Thanks for all the help. I bought the HP from Ebuyer and waiting for
it to arrive. Any thoughts on distro please? Also the HP comes with a
250gb hd. I was going to buy a couple of 1tb as well. Put the os on
the 250gb and then run data of the 1tb and mirror to the other 1tb.
Any thoughts on this please?

Cool - hope you like it.

Nothing wrong with your layout plan at all.

Distro - personal choice. I use debian, others use other distros. Pretty much all of them will do what you want well, so it does mostly come down to what *you* like and are familiar with.

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