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Re: [LUG] In the Press


On Thu, 19 Dec 2013, Simon Waters wrote:
Although he's wrong on the everything@domain

I'm been on the receiving end of bot nets doing precisely that many times. Most obvious when diverse bits work through in alphabetical order. Although most only went through Firstname@, although some tried firstnamesurname@ and variations.

I did actually tell him that you will get emails for tom@ and john@ - even if you've never given out these addresses. And I have also seen someveryoddstring@ getting a fair amount of spam - I've always assumed this was caused by someone increasing the quantity of a list of email addresses by adding some fakes.

But I don't remember ever seeing (or hearing about) a botnet performing an actual dictionary attack on a domain. It's just not worth it.

So if you use yourbank@youdomain, and you get spam sent to the address, you can be certain there is a 'leak' somewhere.


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