Hi All,
It would be useful to know how many are planning to bring a raspberry pi to the lug meet tomorrow to join the cluster.
To add your pi to the cluster you'll need:
- Raspberry Pi Model B (either Rev1 or Rev2)
- Blank SD card or even better card with the cluster image (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72675020/rpi-cluster.tar.bz2) written to it.
- Power supply
- Network cable (not essential that everyone brings one as i will bring 6)
We will need several mains extension blocks, if you've got one easily accessable please bring it along. I've got 3 x 4 way that I plan to bring along.
There's no need for screen and keyboards for ordinary nodes. I plan to bring one for the master node but it may be useful if someone else could bring one for debugging hostname / IP Address issues.
If memory server me right, we have two 16 port network switches at the Exwick centre, I'm assuming that will be enough. Can anyone please confirm how many network switches we have at the centre?
Just to whet your appetite ...
I've run the program with one Pi (See Number of processes below)
As you can see below the time taken was just under 30 minutes.******************************************************
* Calculate Pi using the Monte Carlo method
* Exeter Linux User Group Raspberry Pi Beowulf Cluster
* Cluster Hosts : /home/mpi/config/mpihosts
* Cluster Processes file : /home/mpi/config/mpiprocs
* Number of Processes : 1
* Available Cluster hosts :
* mpi010 mpi011 mpi012 mpi013 mpi014 mpi015 mpi016 mpi017 mpi018 mpi019
* mpi020 mpi021 mpi022 mpi023 mpi024 mpi025 mpi026 mpi027 mpi028 mpi029
* mpi030 mpi031 mpi032 mpi033 mpi034 mpi035 mpi036 mpi037 mpi038 mpi039
Process 1 of 1 is on mpi010 - Calculating pi using 10000000000
pi is approximately 3.1415926535894507, Error is 0.0000000000003424
wall clock time = 1794.485791
Running a program with the monte carlo algorithm (but without the cluster overhead) on my laptop takes 4 minutes 50 seconds. It will be interesting to see if we can get enough Pies in the cluster to beat it...
See you tomorrow...