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Re: [LUG] Router question


Okay, Even with TalkTalk Fibre I sometimes have an Issue with YouTube video streaming.

Obviously it isn't a case of not enough bandwidth on my part I'm sure 40Mbps is fast enough to stream so I'd say perhaps there is something wrong with YouTube, unlikely - but your symptoms are not uncommon.

I didn't phone TalkTalk that would have been suicide, I turned my router off over night and changed the filters, haven't had a problem since.

Infact, I think others here can say why turning router off over night is a good thing, my limited knowledge says it helps clear static or feedback on the line.

Have you tried adjusting your MTU settings to something lower?

On 22 October 2013 08:52, Neil Winchurst <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 21/10/13 23:12, Daniel Robinson wrote:

  Just as a check, it is now 11 pm Monday evening and I have checked.
  The router speed is still steady at the same rate of 14 Mb/s. The
  speedtest program gives me a result of 11.7 Mb/s. And the Youtube
  videos which were all failing are now working just fine. I even
  upped the definition as an extra check.

> Do you happen to have TalkTalk Fibre?

No way. I did try talktalk for our phone line a few years ago, but I did eventually come to my senses. Anyway, as far as I know, there is no fibre available in this area at the moment.


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