On 20/10/13 02:19, Daniel Robinson
Hey guys,
So I have a habit of braking my system usually just after
I set it up just the way I like it.
I know Unix doesn't have the requirement of 'windows like'
system restore and that a proper back up method is needed.
Could anyone in simple terms explain what I need to backup and
how I recover from the backup when things go wrong. I have
plenty of space to do regular backups if required.
I'm using Debian Jessie multiarch 32x64
Kind Regards
The most important thing is a regular backup of /home.
So this makes me wonder whether a regular full backup everything
other than /home is not a bad idea.
As most of my machines are dual boot Windows {paid work stuff and legal docs] /Linux (OpenSUSE) [ happy home] with Knoppix as a live load alternative, I find the ned for a happy heart to back up to a machine build cold metal (i.e. if necessary a new hard drive).
While ddrescue will do job, I find it more convenient to use the (Linux recovery program) sold or free by Paragon Software* from Germany.
I have used in earnest on two occasions in recent years, but many times under Win98. XP.
Link: https://www.paragon-software.com/uk/
I always load free edition onto sets i set up for others and back up to an external hard disc.
(In my set up major legal machine to two external discs, alternated fortnightly complete back ups)
*This would allow others to rescue my machine data in case of my and its death and necessity to obtain documents.
Regards Eion