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Re: [LUG] [Bulk] what sort of keypad is this ?


Given that one of the reviews says that this is not an official Arduino
board anyway, perhaps someone has made a "base 14" fake board ;-/

On 09/10/13 10:21, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Just looking at the Arduino starter kit thing on amazon one of the
> components seems to be a keypad
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BXXJDY2/ref=pe_502881_40420721_email_1p_1_im
> given that it only has 0 - 9 and A - D it can't be a hex keypad or that
> would have A - F
> maybe some Arduino hackers out there can shed light on what this is,  or
> does the arduino use something other than hex
> Just out of curiosity,  I haver seen numeric keypads,  hex keypads but
> not one like this
> thanks
> Paul

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