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Re: [LUG] Totally OT: XKCD: world control


On 08/10/13 21:51, Martinus Scriblerus wrote:
On 8 October 2013 08:22, Henry Bremridge <henry.bremridge@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

October 7th 2013
To: The Freemasons, the Illuminati, Scientology, FEMA, the New World Order,
the Federal Reserve, Citigroup, Halliburton, Google, the Vatican,
Bilderburg, Walmart, the Rothschilds, the Knights Templar, HAARP, the UN,
Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Koch Brothers, George Soros, the
Trilateral Commision, the Knights of Malta, the CFR, Exxon Mobil, the
Zionists, the Vril Society, the Lizard People, and everyone else who
secretly controls the US government
Can you please get your shit together?  This is embarrassing.
A Concerned Citizen
These are only the people who *think* they control the US government.
The real secret conspirators are laughing their heads off at this.

Secret? No just so in your face as to be invisible. The US defaults on the biggest debt in the world and interest rates on that debt go up. Who holds that debt - oh that wouldnt be some republicans would it? Candy from a baby!
Tom te tom te tom

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