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On Mon, 26 Aug 2013, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,Just saw this on Facebook.. claims to be genuine so I thought I'd share just in case.https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1009683_502951889779263_619882895_o.jpg
Whilst this in indeed an old and fake warning, it's important to know that it's just not possible to easily run up a bill that much from a single phone call.
Normally.My most expensive destination rate is £3.00 a minute and that's to one of the satellite networks. So 100 minutes would take you to that amount, however the scammer would not see a penny of it, so it's no use them trying to push one of those numbers.
The real phone scams are the ones where the scammer is trying to trick you to call a number that they receive a high termination rate on - so in the UK this is 070... or 090... There are some off-shore ones too, but you know when you're calling them as you need to dial 00 then the number... (Or you should know!)
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