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Re: [LUG] Odd behaviour


On Aug 09, 2013, bad apple wrote:

> As Martijn said, have a look at the secure-apt page, particularly this:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/05/msg00000.html
> You may need to import a new key.

I have read about secure-apt and looking on the shelf for a spare ring binder
I found a copy of the guide to PGP written by Phil Zimmerman himself and 
dated 1992. It's a beautifully written explanation of how public-key 
cryptography works. When I run apt-get update I get the message

   W: GPG error: http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release: 
      The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key 
      is not available: NO_PUBKEY 85A3D26506C4AE2A

I couldn't get the key from the debian archive and it seems it is available
only from Mozilla but   http://mozilla.debian.net/   says this: 
  Please note the Iceweasel 3.6 packages that used to be provided here are 
  not supported anymore, and you are strongly advised to update to esr or 

Mozilla offer a key for Squeeze but the expiry date is past and I
think if I really want Iceweasel the best way is to upgrade to Wheezy
which I want to do anyway. What I usually do is install a new version
on a separate partition, make it friendly then copy stuff accross. I
installed Wheezy testing a year ago and it was fine but this time when
I installed Wheezy stable it gives me a very high resolution that the
monitor can read but I can't and I've not found any way of changing
it.  I'll try the apt-get dist-upgrade route but I am nervous about it
so I want to learn more first. Give me time; I'll get there. 

Thanks for all your help

get:/etc/apt# ls trust*d

W: GPG error: http://mozilla.debian.net squeeze-backports Release: The following 
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 

apt-get install debian-keyring  ok 31MB
apt-get install degian-archive-keyring  already newest version

apt-get update same result

$ gpg --check-sigs --fingerprint --keyring 
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring.gpg --keyring 
/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg pkg-mozilla-maintainers
pub   4096R/06C4AE2A 2010-11-20 [expires: 2012-11-14]

Please note the Iceweasel 3.6 packages that used to be provided here are not 
supported anymore, and you are strongly advised to update to esr or release. The 
outdated Icedove release was also removed in favor of an esr.

> As for upgrading from Squeeze > Wheezy, it's actually really
> straight-forward - just ask if you want more advice. The steps are
> essentially:
> 1: Make sure everything is backed up, obviously.
> 2: Change all your sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* from squeeze to wheezy*
> 3: Run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
> 4: Reboot and sort out any minor details left over from the upgrade.
> Although not officially recommended, I do release upgrades on Debian
> based systems like this all the time (literally, pretty much every
> single day). It's very unusual for anything to go wrong at all, unheard
> of for catastrophic failure. So far, at least.
> Regards
> * (you may need to modify "squeeze" from "stable" depending on how your
> sources have been set up)
> cd /etc/apt/ && sudo sed -i s/squeeze/wheezy/g sources.list
> cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ && sudo sed -i s/squeeze/wheezy/g./*.list
> -- 
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