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Re: [LUG] Alpine Folder Switching


On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Gordon Henderson wrote:
Gosh! Another Alpine user :)

I've started using Alpine again with my new domain (this one). Last time I used it it was still called pine. I had missed it.

Anyway, I easily found my way around it, but here's something I haven't figured out yet:

I'm using procmail to filter mail to various mailboxes in ~/mail/ - that works well.

I've listed them as incoming-folders in .pinerc, so they show up nicely in alpine, including the number of unread messages in each folder. But
a) the folders are listed as mail/dcglug rather than dcglug and
b) I have to manually add each new folder to .pinerc.

Any idea how to make this work and look better? I suspect incoming-folders is not the right way to go about this, but I haven't managed to find what is the right way.



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