To me linux is simply something that allows me to use my computer and I know very little about it other than bu using it I have less problems using linux than I have with Windows. Basically I am too old and stupid to learn much and I find that reading this forum and sometimes asking questions does help me. A month or so back I had a run of problems with image files and using picasa that was causing my linux computers to crash, a problem that did not happen on Windows, I did ask for advice here and whilst I did not advice from that directly helped solve the problem the "keep the faith" comments did help me to try to find an answer. In th end the answer came down to files from one of the cameras I was using, the answer was to stop using that particular camera (an individual Canon SX40), ditch it
and remove its files from my computer which I did .. Problem solved.
So I am still here, still using Linux and picasa on this computer and the "Windows" laptop is hiding away unused, simply waiting for the very rare moments when I remove my backup usb hard drives without remembering to unmount them and have to tun a disk chech via windows to do the "magic" on them. (Now if I could solve that particular problem using linux I would have no need for the "Windows" laptop).
So I say please leave things as they are now, open for all, perhaps simpletons like me who are using Linux are rare, but we do exist and we are grateful for all the help that forums like this offer.