I personally have no problem with a variety of levels, from the basic (and there are far more basic questions than how to autostart on [deb|rasp]ian, that's why many distros have evolved slicker interfaces for adding autorun programs) - through to the advanced.
That diversity gives this list dynamism and interest for everyone, in my opinion.
Well, perhaps not everyone, it seems.
As it is, I think people new to Linux wouldn't learn as quickly as they do being exposed to what are sometimes highly intelligent, well considered and robust discussions if they were made to feel they weren't good enough to play with the big boys but encouraged instead to segregation by newbie-list.
I don't like people who ask for help being made to feel small, or that they should have googled first. That's not the spirit I feel a LUG should engender. We should be here to support each other on any gnu/linux related topic, not just those deemed appropriate to a certain skill level.