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Re: [LUG] Asterisk - quiet caller on POTS line


On 04/07/13 21:33, Mark Evans wrote:
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On 04/07/13 12:09, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Thu, 4 Jul 2013, Rob Beard wrote:

So I'm stumped, does have any suggestions on how much I can try
and make lines a bit louder?
If you've set tx/rx gain then you're at what's possible. Try a
different line card. I've never had to set one more than 4. And if
you're not using oslec for the echo canceller then use it.

Or screw analog, port the numbers into VoIP and dedicate an ADSL
line to VoIP.
Might help to use an I-Plate and a filter faceplate. (Though this
means the modem can only connect at the NTE-5.)

We already have one :-)

Sadly it's not made a great deal of difference, but it's certainly neater now.
One thing to be aware of is that BT's ADSL ordering system uses the
telephone number as "primary key" for ADSL. (Even though this makes
little sense.)

This means that if you have ADSL on a line and it's renumbered, e.g.
to port the existing number to a VoIP provider, then BT will most
likely cease the ADSL then treat reinstating it as "new".
This also means that it is very hard to get ADSL where you have
multiple lines on the same number (aux working). Even if you want it
on all of them (even bonded)...
Good old BT eh? :-P


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