Ahh... Good to see things don't change.
I remember top-posting arguments going back to Fidonet in the early 90's, and probably existed before then. I was one for cutting out all unnecessary text and replying to lines individually - using Golded, Protext, Termail, Bluewave, Frontdoor, Binkley, Fastecho/T-mail... All names in the past, and despite my nostalgia, that's where they should stay. Along with outmoded practices...
Now - life's too short. Top posting is widely used, it's understood by *everyone* (interspersed quoting is not - try that with the great unwashed and you'll find they just reply to the first thing you wrote), and the software's smarter. Gmail's client hides everything but the most recent quote. I like that, it's clear, and I don't have to worry about it.