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Re: [LUG] Password mis-key tip


If anyone wants a detailed technical explanation of why this works... imagine a huge steaming pile of manure.

those with more feeble imaginations (like myself) might do

  user@used:~$ stty -a |grep ' erase ='


also, if what you really want is a clean slate so you can retype your
entire password from scratch, a single ctrl-shift-u ought to work

  user@used:~$ stty -a |grep ' kill ='


  ... kill = ^U; ...

or so i imagine.  and the shift key might be optional here.

On Sun, 26 May 2013, Philip Hudson wrote:

Ever mis-typed a password on the command line, hit Backspace and typed the correct password, only to have the password rejected? Try 'Ctrl-Shift-?' instead.

If anyone wants a detailed technical explanation of why this works... imagine a huge steaming pile of manure.

Phil Hudson                  http://hudson-it.no-ip.biz
@UWascalWabbit                 PGP/GnuPG ID: 0x887DCA63

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