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[LUG] Debian 7 + HP LaserJet 2100 woes


Right, on to my next headache (it's the same problematic box belonging
to my parents).

I cannot seem to get the above combination to play nice - lots of raw
postscript being dumped to the paper instead of the expected results. I
will freely admit that printing on Linux is not something I'm very good
at as I literally never print anything personally, and normally for
clients I just plug the printer in, let CUPS do it's work and everything
is rosy.

The only potential oddity is that the ancient 2100 is a parallel port
device and the PC in question is too modern to have either a suitable
port or the ISA slot required to drop my old serial/parallel breakout
connection card into so I bought a generic parallel to USB adaptor,
which seemed to work fine. Linux/CUPS immediately detected the printer
correctly, and once again, the dual boot Win8 install flawlessly
acquired drivers from windows update and prints without issues.

So I've been fiddling around in the CUPS interface, and have tried all
of the available driver options - there are about 10 - and the correct
PPD which I obtained directly, with no luck. Helpfully, printing the
maintenance test page from the CUPS admin section results in the 2100
printing the same "If you can read this you do not have the correct
driver installed" no matter which driver I use. I do remember at least
about Linux+printers from the distant past to make sure I've avoided all
the really dumb mistakes, like changing US Letter to A4 but have at
least temporarily hit a brick wall.

Anyone got any ideas?


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