I strongly disagree about putting two channels on the website or elsewhere. The recent poll showed the majority wanted #dcglug and I think the group should reflect that.
Those who already know, can choose where they like to go.
Those who don't know - and they're the ones the website should help most, I'm hoping - will be presented with two channels. Why? What point is there for them to have a choice where none is needed - just go to the one the majority have asked for. What benefits a user group by having a split irc channel? Why not have two mailing lists? Two websites? Hell, why not have two lugs? Because it's divisive and it weakens us.
Things should be simple, clear and accurate. I have no idea how you would present two channels and explain *why* there are two whilst still explaining how we're a great, united and fun bunch of helpful people they want to talk to! This issue has taken up far too much time when there are more interesting and fun things to spend our time on; let's move forward together.