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I am business manager for Duchy Preschool in Bradninch. I use Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) for all the business operations. We do have a Linux box for the children to use and we have Gcompris etc installed. However, the children mainly access cbeebies website. One problem that has been identified by our EYP is that most approved EY software available runs from CD-ROM only (usually Win or Mac). Also Gcompris doesn't have "British English" audio, and the spelling stuff is all upper case, which doesn't comply with the curriculum requirements to teach recognition of lower case letters first. We do have USB EY keyboards though. I would be happy to involve our EYP in trying to specify exactly what would be useful in terms of the EYFS statutory framework. We are a beacon setting for Devon and often get placements, and mentor practitioners in other settings. For interest I am also chair of the Devon Sub-Committee of the Pre-school Learning Alliance (PSLA), and Chair of the Western Divisional Council of the PSLA which covers roughly a triangle from Stafford to Newbury to Penzance. I'll talk to them about the ICT aspect of the statutory framework - there may be some mileage for promoting Linux, especially with the financial constraints in Early Years. Let me know what I can do to help further. Phil On 24/03/13 13:44, Paul Sutton wrote: > One of the current projects for the Exeter lug is to help set up a > network for a pre-school, details here > > http://exeter.lug.org.uk/wiki/doku.php?id=ltsp_for_the_ark > > one of the suggestions was to use Mint as the OS on the dekstop, Rick > has suggested we use a child friendly interface, Despite efforts Dan S > and Myself have not found much that can plug in to Mint, we find > alternative distros however. > > There are a few distros out there that are built with this in mind > > http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/43224.aspx > > > has a few, I was just wondering if anyone could advise from ACTUAL > experiences of working in a pre school and with Linux, either directly > or supporting / knowing someone who working in a preschool and is > therefore familiar with how the software would tie in with EYFS, ECM > and other aspects of the early years curriculum / framework / strategies. > > We need to lock down the system and allow access ONLY to user programns > we want the children to have access too, while at the same time, if > an adult logs in they should have fuller acces so they can say configure > the system or add / remove software or do other admin tasks. > > thanks > > Paul > > > -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq