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On 06/03/13 00:52, Paul Sutton wrote:
Hi I have added a ceop report abuse button to the lug website on the main page, partly as this is in line with what a lot of other places are doing and it shows we are committed as group to protecting children and vulnerable groups (which I assume as a group or individuals we are) Paul
sure have such a button on facebook or other social media sites where there may be an actual danger of grooming, but on the LUG site it smacks of unneeded posturing. Why not a notice saying the site contains no nuts (actually probably not true!) and is suitable for vegans as well...
I think sticking this button on sites to which it is irrelevant devalues the button and also makes it seem that there are worries that LUG members could use the site for grooming and other abusive activities. Having it prominently at the top just looks weird to me. Are there also buttons for things like financial fraud, malware, fishing etc., because if you're going to make a child abuse hotlink the first thing a user sees maybe other links should also be up there.
If you intend to keep it, stick it at the bottom of the page or a side panel or something...
S -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq