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Re: [LUG] 8bit email was Re: email tag


On Wed, 27 Feb 2013, Gordon Henderson wrote:

On Wed, 27 Feb 2013, Simon Waters wrote:

At the risk of wandering off on a tangent I saw a claim many years back that most MTAs handle 8bit fine, so all that 7bit escaping is just so much bloat. Anyone tested this?

Wonder what the list processor makes of:

 - Pound
Î - Ohm
 - Half
Ìâ - Euro

12 Ã 48 = Â

although I guess these are unicode characters, but some have their top-bit set.

Well it came back to me OK, but it looks like my local sendmail converted the incoming message to:

  X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by unicorn.drogon.net id 

Hm. Probably thinks its doing me a favour. The stored version (that alpine stored) has 8-bit characters in it.

Oh well.

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