--- On Mon, 21/1/13, John Bowden <led43john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: John Bowden <led43john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [LUG] strange behaviour with my machine. To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Monday, 21 January, 2013, 14:33
On Sunday 20 Jan 2013 12:04:29 JOHN DAVEY wrote:
HI, I recently bought a wireless keyboard and mouse combo and it killed my machine. I say killed it bit it would boot uo on the odd ocasion and sometimes cut out for no apparent reason. I booted up with Puppy and as you can see everything is working fine which would lead me to believe me that the problem is harddrive relared. Is this right ? CHEERS, Jon Davey.
Try your old keyboard and see if the problem is still there. the bios looks for a keyboard early on in its post test and may stop the boot if it can't see one and double check that the keyboard doe not have any card reader if it has it might be looking for an o/s to boot in the card reader.
Registered Linux user number 414240
Guy Faulks the only person to enter the Parliament with honest intentions and he was going to blow them up !
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-- Yes the old keyboard works and if it's seraching for an o/s how come it can't find them?