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On 01/01/13 09:40, Neil Winchurst wrote:
On 31/12/12 01:18, Simon Waters wrote:I have been following this thread with some interest. I agree that the web site needs to be sorted out. One reason that comes to mind which has not been mentioned much, if I were considering trying Linux and came across our LUG website, I think my reaction would be ...On 30/12/12 23:05, Gordon Henderson wrote:So why has it been the same old site with the same guys & gals on the front page for what seems like years now?Because no one changed it, or suggested changing it, since I set it that way.well, if that is the best you can do using Linux I won't bother. Just a thought Neil
As is often the case, I am catching up with my LUG mail. So, for what it's worth....
That all got a bit too heated there chaps. Easy now, we are on the same team lol. :-)
We *all* need to say a big thank you to Simon and Neil (and anyone else directly involved with costs, maintenance and admin of the email list and the web site). I for one really enjoy being a DCLUG member. I have learnt heaps! during my time as a member.
Although I am not very technical, previously I have logged into the current dclug site and was very easily able to do a little blogging and adjust some of its content. It worked well. I cannot comment robustly on the technical issues of the administration of the site, but for merely adding / editing content I think it works fine as it is. I think it likely to be quite un-necessary changing the CMS of the site - especially given there are very few people currently adding / updating its content in any case!
As others have said, I think that what is needed most is people to write some fresh content for the site. We can improve the look and feel of the site whilst we are at it - within the permitted drupal(?) scope. i.e. change that old image on the home page et al ....
I could and should contribute more to floss (given i use it all the time free of charge!). I would be happy to write some content once again. It wont be very technical but my well prove of some use to brand new linux converts...
In terms of a forum. I vote no. Our current mailing list system works well (IMHO). Email is also the lowest common denominator. Everyone has it. Everyone uses it. Arguably, everyone checks it every time they sit at a computer. You don't need to remember log in passwords. You can reply to email when off line (which I don't think you can with a forum). You can also access it from a command line. It's basic. It's simple. It works! lol Please can we keep it?
Unlike Bad, I write this in the present time - but after a night shift, so it still feels a little surreal!
Take it easy Cheers roly :-) -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG http://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq