Zx81, Acorn Atom, BBC B with 5" floppy, Tatung Einstein with two 3" floppy drives. Then I bought a secondhand PC XT and gradually turmed it into an DX 33. was quite happly with Windows up until Windows 95 arrived. For as long as possible I did try to continue using DOS or the earlier pre windows 95 based programs. Lotus AMI pro and Aldous Pagemaker were in regular use by me until around 2007.
From 1998 I have a variety of desktop machines and played about with secondhand laptops for use at work. I also had a long
standing relationship with Psion series 3 palmtops (indeed I have a couple still in use), how I wish that the Psions had, had usb connectors and an easy ability to link up with linux, if someone would produce a series 3 with original operating system and a usb connector for about £250 to £300 and using AA batteries I would go out and buy it now.
I did have several tries with Linux from around 2000 buut never managed to make anything of it until Windows Vista arrived and which I found raised my blood pressure dramatically. I then started looking for alternatives that a simpleton like me could use. I used Ubuntu for a while and then moved over to Mint which I have been using since 2009. For some reason MACs never appealed to me.
These days it is Mint 14 Mate, my main system is simply a 5 years old Compaq laptop with 1 gig of memory, yet with linux I find that more than enough to deal with editing pictures from a 24 mp