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[LUG] Learning "web" programming
Hi all,
I want to have another crack at web programming (again), but I'm getting caught up a little.
I have written a few pretty basic sites in PHP (mainly to exercise my brain prior to having to teach simple PHP) and I've come to the conclusion that I'm really not one of those "HTML with a sprinkling of PHP" types. My pages end up being all-PHP, using the PHP to output the HTML code as text.
I have dabbled with Python a number of times, and I kinda like it. Simple structure, easy to follow and virtually free of bloody curly braces and semi-colons! I have looked at Python on the webserver, and it would seem that there are 2 main "camps" - neither of which I particularly want to fit in with (yet):
1: Python as xxxCGI.
2: All-in "Framework" Python.
I don't particularly like the idea of Python as CGI - although it seems fairly trivial to do this, I get the feeling that you lose some potential functionality and given that my development machine and server will be my Raspberry Pi, I don't really want to go down the route of having a new instance of Python started for every request that's made to a .py file!
I don't particularly like the idea of a Framework Python (yet) as I'm only really just starting out and I'm pretty sure I don't want to be filling my head with how to handle session management before I can even get a "Hello World" page up and running!
So, my questions to you all are these:
Is there a middle ground? Is there a way that I can simply jump in writing my .py files and getting them served up on the webserver in a similar way that I would just jump in writing my .php files, but not by going down the CGI route or the mess that is one framework or another?
Any suggestions (other than "avoid Python use XYZ instead") gratefully received.
Grant. :)
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