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Re: [LUG] Assigning Static IP addresses on Mint 12


 On 24/12/2012 17:36, Martin Gautier wrote:

Assigning a static IP for each device can be problematic unless you keep on top of all your devices and make sure that the information passed to a client host by DHCP is replicated and accurate.

One important piece of information that DHCP supplies is the DNS to use. If you haven't explicitly set this, it might explain why you are having trouble connected through to the Internet.

Can I suggest an alternative solution to the root problem of having the printer stick with the same IP address so it doesn't get lost on the network...

With your router set to full DHCP and the printer switch on, take a look at the "attached devices". You should see a list of IPs and device names. Most routers have the ability to reserve the IPs listed here for particular devices. Find the printer, and reserve it's IP. This way, DHCP fully handles all your devices so any device can attach at any time, get all the info it needs to route through to the internet and the printer keeps the same IP even if the router or printer gets switched off at any point.


That's pretty much what I suggested as the preferred option. That way new / transient devices get an IP but devices that need a static IP have it reserved in the router. I think the only device that *needs* a static IP is the printer really, unless you share the main PC's HD as a network drive?

(Apologies if any of the following invokes the words 'granny' and 'eggs' :))

The router should list the printer's MAC address and the main wired PC, so I would give those two fixed IPs. then reboot the router in case another device is already using the IPs you've assigned so all devices get fresh addresses.

The reason I suggest rebooting the router is also because you will otherwise have to wait until the current DHCP leases expire. Rebooting will reset them immediately.

Then you can map the printer on all the network devices and it should stay permanently.

Kind regards,


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