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Re: [LUG] DDNS providers


On 18/12/12 13:43, raymond.knowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Neil,

One the cons about home servers is that they
have to be powered
24/7. In the winter months, a bit of
extra background heat might
well be useful, but in the
summer (remember those???) you might
have to leave windows
(i.e. glazed hole in wall) open so that
the kit can get
rid of its heat. Only you can decide if that
is an
imposition or not.

I have decided that my hybrid
windows/linux network is adequate
for my most of my needs,
and that I can manage without a server.

Regards etc,

I am probably not needing one either. But I was interested to learn a bit about it all. I had not thought about the heating problem. And I don't have the 'hybrid' problem that you mentioned. I have not used Windows for at least 12 years now, and I have no plans to do so. Much simpler all round.

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