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Re: [LUG] Photo blogs


On Sat, 15 Dec 2012, Neil Winchurst wrote:

So I looked around and finally came up with pixelpost. This has worked very well for me so far. However, this week I realised that I had not had any updates or messages from them for a long time. On trying to open up their forum I found that it is no longer being supported. In fact there has been no activity for more than four years.

Well, that is no use to me or anyone. Eventually it will break.

Why do you think that?

Maybe there have been no updates to it because it works and the people who were doing the updates feel that it's actually a finished product.

Imagine that. Something that actually works and is stable - something you've been using for the past 4+ years without any issues, concerns, etc.

Personally I use wordpress - it's gallery, etc. features are not the best, but they work OK for me.



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