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Re: [LUG] strange problem...


On 10/12/12 20:07, tom wrote:
Just got one of these: http://www.ebuyer.com/407538-zoostorm-desktop-pc-7873-1076 and have tried several installs but nothing gets going properly. As soon as X pops up the screen goes into power save and all is dumb. Tried: xubuntu 12.10 (both 64 and 32 bit) , mini.iso for 12.10 installing xubuntu. Mint 12 DVD.
How can I tell whats wrong so I can fix it or send it back.
Tom te tom te tom

I thought I'd go back to basics - install a basic server system, and then add ssh so I could log in from the network and see what was screwing up. Installed OK - re-booted, goes through boot process ok then blank screen! Much swearing and then checked and vga lead not screwed in properly. Much more swearing. Push it in and a login appears!!!! Doesn’t seem to want to screw in! Am now installing xubuntu-desktop which will download another 400MB - only done about 3 G on fresh isos today....
Plenty of bird scarers if anyone wants them!
Tom te tom te tom

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