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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu considered harmful
- To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [LUG] Ubuntu considered harmful
- From: Simon Avery <digdilem@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 15:42:21 +0000
- Delivered-to: dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=wjvsFMsNlmSVJbqVVEcB5IYMnTvE0Qm9NrHpxyd4spk=; b=CkkaJYTt8kneInp/XUN6VoDOlsfcNWolncajjfJRsp4lgWUpdnN/yHYQyNLYPClD0x 72AvzttqQ4v5JwPAgEPm/JnADu133AQACKvLRS93vTlVz8L5ZOiZuXRtNLbG4bf5iqiX kAOH/DK798uupShH6QN9aaTap2ljldid7P+Tx1s7VsDrXL4g3nEEH/pGLBzFycEUzila wsVnA529hj0DrKFhIzZAR7tZW03sd5dHy+WGfIc9iJ7ruOr9NtLC9TZshwfV6F5I5c3I A9YZjjm8SbGD6d5BIGYVLNyTCtw0PVZmrKyhbcAfVfv2V6uUiLWWNPxtOpgTNnrSVPQ7 nsWQ==
I find it fascinating how some of these 'free' projects attempt to
monetize[1] themselves.
Linux Mint does it too, and one of the forms is changing Firefox's
default search engines to ones that pay for searches. It is possible
to change this to Google, but you are exposed to a little bit of guilt
for daring to use Google instead of somebody else.
[1] American spelling of american word.
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