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Re: [LUG] New printer


On 30/11/12 11:15, tom wrote:
On 30/11/12 09:36, Neil Winchurst wrote:
Oh well, the situation has changed now. Turned the printer on this
morning and was greeted with some flashing lights. It is completely
unresponsive so I guess that is that.

So now I really have to get a new one, and quickly. And all my
research has left me more baffled than ever.



Can you connect to the printer and ask it what is wrong - some do have
Tom te tom te tom

I can switch the printer on as usual. There are three buttons on the top which light up. Normally the one on the left shows green. When printing that light flashes on and off then returns to steady green.
If there is a problem other lights come on red. Now the first light is 
flashing green and the middle light is flashing red. It will not respond 
to anything,
All these lights are also buttons. The third light/button from the left 
is the one to press to get the cartridge holder to move across so that I 
can change the inks. This button is now jammed and will not move.
I have had the printer a long time and I really don't think it is worth 
the bother any more.
I plan to look for a cheap one for now to keep me going while I decide 
what to do finally. There seem to be several available at about £40 to 
£60, so it is a matter of deciding which one to risk.

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