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Re: [LUG] Dell, doing linux wrong


On Fri, 30 Nov 2012, Simon Avery wrote:

It's great that Dell are putting linux on their laptop (US sales only,
as far as I can see) - but when doing so costs the user $50 more than
the same laptop running Windows, you have to question what they're

Full story;

From what I gather, it boils down to marketing and implementation costs.
Dell want a unit that customers won't complain about and won't send back, so need to spend more on getting it right. MS does a *huge* amount of marketing, so Dell is more or less guaranteed sales of MS Laptops, but how much money is spent on Linux advertising?
So it's not just the fact that Dell save $50 on a copy of Windoze, it's 
that it has the potential to cost them more is support and marketing.
Personally I don't think they're doing it wrong - certianly not from their 
ponit of view as a company which exists to make money...
Doesn't make it feel any better though )-:


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