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Re: [LUG] New distro - and logging off


On 18/11/12 14:26, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Sun, 18 Nov 2012, Neil Winchurst wrote:

OK, got it now. It is on the front of my computer tower. As you say when I switch on the power nothing happens until I press this button and then the login sequence starts.
When I log out at the end of the session the power is turned off for 
me, automatically. To start again I have to press the button again. 
Then the log on sequence will start again.
What I'm suggesting is that you don't bother with all that mouse 
faffing, typing, etc. and just push the power button to turn it off. 
That's what it's for. If Linux is installed correctly, pushing the 
power buton (just a brief push, as as you'd do to turn it on) will 
send a signal to Linux and an automatic shutdown will happen.
I mean, really - who actually types halt, shutdown, etc. these days, 
or bothers with the faff on going through the menus. If you want to 
turn your computer off, then push the power button.
When I want to turn my laptops off, I push the power buton on them. I 
never turn my desktop off, so it's not an issue, but if I wanted to, 
I'd use the power button on the front.

My power button on 'desktops' is often not in a convenient place for this - once a machine is 'working' its moved out of the way.
Tom te tom te tom

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