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Re: [LUG] I've had it with Ubuntu


On 07/11/12 09:17, Gordon Henderson wrote:
On Wed, 7 Nov 2012, tom wrote:

Yesterday my machine updated a few packages and now it wont even run unity any-more. I have three machines with 12.04 on and they are all borked one way or another - mostly OpenGL is totally screwed (they're all Nvidia). I normally use XFCE destop but occasionally drop into Unity to try and sort out printing and fileshareing which has also gone completely tits up as the 'upgrade' overwrote configs in a 'secure' way and then hid the mechanism for fixing it in case it scares the user. I have no idea what Unity was meant to achieve for someone who actually uses a computer to compute and not just as an interface to the net but its so badly screwed I'm going to completely get rid of it and move to xubuntu unless anyone else is having similar problems with that.
What do you need, or think you need in ubuntu that Debian (testing) 
won't give you?

Currently I'm trying to learn Blender (and a couple of other CAD packages) so its got to run OpenGL well on Nvidia - as by accident I have 3 machines with that on board so ideally I'd like it to simply install NVIdia without anything more than agreeing to use a proprietary driver... which used to be a LOT faster - I cant really tell now! Debian doesn’t seem to cover some 'legacy' Nvidia.
Ubuntu worked fine until 11.10 in this respect
I'd like all my machines to run the same distribution - the family use them - and I did originally choose Ubuntu as it looked like it would be the major linux 'desktop'. I'm getting a new machine for backing everything up and proxying (another viglen £1pa to run) and I will migrate everything to xubuntu (possibly one to ubuntustudio if that will not force Unity as a DE) and see how we go from there.
Tom te tom te tom

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