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I personally like to keep a separate home partition as it makes installing a new distribution that much easier, not having to move all my junk back and forth (though I haven't installed a new distribution in a long time), and I tend to keep any configuration files and folders in place, to save having to set up my programs the way I like them again, and just changing the names of, or editing, any files I think might be causing problems (conflicting version numbers or what not). Child of convenience, I suppose, but this has saved me much time. And, it also means I can run separate back ups of root and home, at different intervals, though it is, of course, easy enough to exempt the one from the other. Separate root and home also enable me to make neat, discrete disk images of both, for different purposes and at different times, with clonezilla, again saving time.
Upshot: I would still recommend a separate home, personally.
I know resizing is a doddle, but it is (for now) even easier to just delete my pacman cache, when space starts to get a little tight.
On 25/10/12 21:02, bad apple wrote:On 25/10/12 20:47, Rob Beard wrote:On 25/10/12 20:33, Migel Wimtore wrote:Yes, assuming he does (have a separate home parrtition). And if not:
next time. Just my 2 pence, but would recommend at least 15gb for root.
If I could go back and make mine even bigger than 15 I would (can't be
fracked to resize it now). It grows!
Actually yeah I only have 1.7GB free on root. Maybe next time I
upgrade I'll bung an extra couple of GB at the root partition.
You *did* install using LVM2, right? Even if you didn't, resize2fs to
the rescue. It's pretty trivial to change partition/volumes sizes and
indeed most other disk parameters after the install.
Nope, just standard partitions, but I do have a Mint USB stick handy so
as you say I can use resize2fs. I really do need to have a clear out,
I'm even tempted to invest in an SSD, possibly a 128GB one so I just
keep the important stuff on it.Obviously you need to backup your data first though, just in case. I've
actually never lost data in all the hundreds of times I've resized and
modified disk layouts but I imagine the first time you're too confident
and don't bother backing up, that's when it's suddenly going to fail
Yep, most of the important stuff is backed up but can never be too
careful I guess :-)Personally I never define a separate /home partition and just leave it
under / so my OS disk layout is just /boot and / - this workstation has
16Gb RAM so I don't even have a swap partition.
Nice... just got 4GB ram here.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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