From: Neil Winchurst <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, 13 October 2012, 8:42
Subject: [LUG] New social medium
Thought that the following might be of interest to some list members. like it could be good. I don't use Facebook or Twitter myself.
1. I thought that is what Diaspoa* was meant to do. (i.e. not central servers, but software is not FOSS)
2. The website does not comment on Diaspora* This seems an omission as if it was usuable and able to be open source
then why reinvent the wheel.
3. I do not use social media, except disclaimer, ( a facebock registration) only to view grandchildren's photos when uploaded
by son/daughter who demand (yes demand) that is only way to see them.