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Re: [LUG] Home server


On Fri, 5 Oct 2012, Neil Winchurst wrote:

I have noticed that several of the list members mention that they have a
server set up at home. Can anyone tell me what that is all about please
and why anyone would want/need to have one?
I have a couple of "servers" in my home/office - mostly for disk storage 
and to take archive copies of data I hold in the data centre and various 
customer sites.
I don't need it for a print server as all our printers have Ethernet 
sockets and are on the LAN. Our workstations are Linux so NFS works really 
well to share data.
As for hardware, if you can get them the HP microservers are highly 
Shop around for them as there are deals to be had.. e.g.


That's £240 with £100 cashback... Has room for 4 drives too.

This place looks cheaper, but read the small print (because I've not!)


and so on.

Several ways you can use it - you can arrange it to be your main filestore and NFS mount it on your desktops (or Samba if they're Win), or you can use it as a backup - many ways, e.g. rsync and so on. Or combinations of both.
These are pretty low-power too - and I'm told they're quiet - another 
consideration if you don't have an out of the way place to keep it. Beware 
the attic/loft though - they can get very hot in the summer!
(when we have one that is!)


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